Let's Shoot

Now that you have arrived at Bisley Camp, met at least one of our members who has shown you around the camp a little and perhaps joined us for a coffee or lunch in one of the clubhouses, it's time to shoot!

You will drive over to the particular range and firing point we have been allocated by the NRA Office. We will add you to our WhatsApp group so that you will have received a message in the morning with the Target Number and range (for example ‘Century Target 62’).

Drive to the parking area at the very rear of the range and park near to the target number.

Other Club members will be getting ready by their cars or have already walked to the firing point. We will explain the safety rules you need for the day, and what is going to happen.

When it’s your turn to shoot, we’ll help you get kitted up and set up on the firing point. We usually have two people coaching each shooter.

All you will need to do is aim and shoot! We will adjust your sights for the wind conditions and we will plot each shot on your scorecard so you have a record of how you did and what your sight adjustments were, essential for next time you shoot.

You will need some kit in addition to a rifle, and we can help you with this. It includes shooting jacket and single point sling, a padded shooting glove for the sling arm, a hat, ear defenders, a padded shooting mat, scorebook and a spotting telescope (unless we’re using electronic targets). You may want to have some waterproof clothing with you since we shoot in all weathers and just occasionally that means rain!

This may sound expensive and, like any hobby, it is possible to spend a lot. However, it is also possible to start off with a good second-hand rifle and kit for a fraction of the cost of new and shoot perfectly well. Members will advise you and help you find kit through our network of shooting friends.

Initially, we can lend you a Club rifle and kit so you don’t need to have any of it until you’re ready to buy your own.

We will look after you!